Welcome to your District. Comprising nearly 6,700 students, 1,000 staff, six elementary schools, two middle schools, two high schools, a homeschool partnership, and a technical academy, the district is proud to partner with students, families, staff, and community.
As your Superintendent, I look forward to meeting more of our students, families, staff, and the larger community. There are many opportunities for our families to share their hopes and dreams for their students and the district. As a community of educators, we are committed to promoting promising practices to ensure all students are safe, healthy, engaged, supported, and challenged.
Working as a team, we can bring the hopes and dreams, ideas, and aspirations of our students to fruition. As superintendent, you can count on me to be deliberate in my interactions. I am open to your ideas and want to hear your compliments, comments, and concerns. We will work better together to ensure that our decisions will open doors for ALL our students, and escort them through these doors with the resources they need to cultivate success.
The opportunity to work together to ensure that all students graduate inspired, and become critical thinkers who embrace diversity is aligned with our core commitments.
Victor Vergara, Ed.D, Superintendent
BELLE VARGAS, Public Information Officer
CAROL LEDIN, Superintendent's Assistant
ELIZABETH PUGA, Language Access Coordinator