School Board Publications and Reports

August 29, 2024

Dear MVSD Families,

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that we have reached an agreement with the PSE 1 Union Group and are ready to kick off the new school year! This agreement is the result of collaboration and dedication from all parties involved, and we are eager to welcome your children back to school.

As we prepare for the start of the school year, we are filled with enthusiasm and anticipation for the incredible growth and success we know our students will achieve. Our focus remains on providing a supportive and enriching environment where every student can thrive.

We deeply appreciate your patience and support throughout this process and look forward to a wonderful year ahead, full of learning, discovery, and achievement.
Thank you for being such a vital part of our school community. We can’t wait to see your students grow and succeed this year!
Warm regards,  

Larry Otos, Wendy Ragusa, Laura Cailloux-Flores, Griffin Uchida, Christopher Gudger-Raines

MVSD School Board

El 29 de Agosto, 2024

Estimadas familias de MVSD:
Estamos encantados de compartir la emocionante noticia de que hemos llegado a un acuerdo con el PSE 1 Union Group y estamos listos para comenzar el nuevo año escolar. Este acuerdo es el resultado de la colaboración y la dedicación de todas las partes involucradas, y estamos ansiosos por darles la bienvenida a sus hijos nuevamente a la escuela.

Mientras nos preparamos para el inicio del año escolar, estamos llenos de entusiasmo y anticipación por el increíble crecimiento y éxito que sabemos que nuestros estudiantes alcanzarán. Nuestro enfoque sigue siendo brindar un entorno de apoyo donde cada estudiante pueda prosperar.

Agradecemos profundamente su paciencia y apoyo durante este proceso y esperamos un año maravilloso por delante, lleno de aprendizaje, descubrimiento y logros.
Gracias por ser una parte tan vital de nuestra comunidad escolar. ¡Estamos ansiosos por ver a sus estudiantes crecer y tener éxito este año!
Saludos cordiales,

Larry Otos, Wendy Ragusa, Laura Cailloux-Flores, Griffin Uchida, Christopher Gudger-Raines

Mesa directiva de MVSD


August 27, 2024 3pm

The School Board would like to express our sincere appreciation for the collaborative spirit and dedication demonstrated by both the PSE 1 Union Group and our administrative team throughout the bargaining process. While we were hopeful for a resolution, an agreement has not yet been reached.

The union informed us August 22, 2024 of their intent to strike if an agreement was not reached.

In light of this, the district has made the difficult decision to cancel the first day of school, previously scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th. We recognize the significant impact this has on our families, and we wanted to provide this information as early as possible to allow you time to make necessary arrangements.

We remain committed to transparency and will provide another update tomorrow at 2:00 p.m., or sooner, as more information becomes available.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support during this time.

El 27 de agosto 2024 3pm

La mesa directiva de las escuelas publicas de Mount Vernon desea expresar su sincero agradecimiento por el espíritu de colaboración y la dedicación demostrada tanto por el Grupo Sindical PSE 1 como por nuestro equipo administrativo durante todo el proceso de negociación. Si bien teníamos la esperanza de una resolución, aún no se ha llegado a un acuerdo.

El grupo nos informó el 22 de agosto de 2024 de su intención de hacer huelga si no se llegaba a un acuerdo.

En vista de esto, el distrito ha tomado la difícil decisión de cancelar el primer día de clases, programado previamente para el miércoles 28 de agosto. Reconocemos el impacto significativo que esto tiene en nuestras familias y queríamos brindar esta información lo antes posible para darle tiempo de hacer los arreglos necesarios.

Seguimos comprometidos con la transparencia y brindaremos otra actualización mañana a las 2:00 p. m., o antes, a medida que haya más información disponible.

Gracias por su comprensión y su continuo apoyo durante este tiempo.

2021-2022 School Year

2020-2021 School Year

August 18, 2021: Fall Re-Opening Guidance & Requirements (111.25 KB)
August 18, 2021: School Board Policy/Procedure 3206P Presentation (391.32 KB)
August 18, 2021: Academic and Student Well-being Recovery Plan (100.66 KB)
August 4, 2021: Capital Projects Uptade (1.95 MB)
July 14, 2021: 2021-22 Budget Presentation (391.24 KB)
July 14, 2021: 2021-22 Categorical Programs (201.45 KB)
June 16, 2021: Finance Report (587.28 KB)
June 2, 2021: AVID'S Legacy (66.08 KB)
May 19, 2021: MVSD Choice Schools (1.63 MB)
May 19, 2021: Finance Report (584.55 KB)
April 14, 2021: MVHS Old Main Construction Update (1.27 MB)
April 14, 2021: Finance Report (645.99 KB)
April 14, 2021: Washington CTSO's and Career Readiness (7.57 MB)
March 3, 2021: Black History Month (1.69 MB)
March 3, 2021: Debate-School Board Presentation (1.67 MB)
Winter 2021 Community Link (1.83 MB)
February 17, 2021: Dish Network Wireless Proposal (777.39 KB)
February 17, 2021: Finance Report (582.54 KB)
February 17, 2021: MVHS Schedule Proposal (376.14 KB)
February 17, 2021: Gender Neutral Bathrooms in K-12 Schools District Wide (204.19 KB)
January 20, 2021: Mount Baker Equity School Board Presentation (1.11 MB)
January 6, 2021: Finance Report (593.29 KB)
December 2, 2020: Levy Board Presentation (61 KB)
November 12, 2020: Data Dashboard (270.51 KB)
November 12, 2020: PSE M&O Contract Presentation (894.39 KB)
November 12, 2020: Finance Report (633.26 KB)
November 12, 2020: School Improvement Plan 2020-21 (1.73 MB)
October 21, 2020: Jefferson Elementary Presentation (1.86 MB)
October 21, 2020: MVHS Old Main Bids & Budget Update (240.91 KB)
October 7, 2020: MVHS Level 1 Threat Assessment (43.9 KB)
October 7, 2020: Attendance Data Disaggregated by Demographics (106.73 KB)
September 16, 2020: Curriculum Plan 2020-21 (38.17 KB)
September 2, 2020: Minimum Basic Ed Compliance (155.03 KB)
Fall 2020 Community Link (2.69 MB)