Superintendent's Videos

Tea with Dr. V

This month’s Tea with Dr. V included interviews with David Connors, Food Service Supervisor and Tim Papendorf, Information Technology Supervisor. These two departments have a tremendous impact on our students’ ability to learn and to have productive days at school. These departments and their staff are so often “behind the scenes”, that we may forget the critical role their entire team plays in helping students succeed. Thank you to the technology and food service teams, and special thanks to David and Tim for sharing.

Tea with Dr. V-March Edition

This month, I sat down with Bill Cheney, Director of Student Support and Prevention Services.  Bill shared how the district is working with our counselors and social workers to address the mental health needs of our students.  I hope you take a few minutes to watch our video. 


Este mes, me senté con Bill Cheney, Director de Servicios de Prevención y Apoyo Estudiantil. Bill compartió cómo el distrito está trabajando con nuestros consejeros y trabajadores sociales para abordar las necesidades de salud mental de nuestros estudiantes. Espero que se tome unos minutos para ver nuestro video.

Tea with Dr. V

This week, I had an opportunity to sit down with Carol Schweigert and Lori Carpenter.  Sadly, both of them lost their sons to Fentanyl poisoning. In an effort to bring awareness to the dangers of Fentanyl poisoning, they were both courageous enough to share their stories.  I hope you take a few minutes to view THIS month’s Tea with Dr. V. 

Esta semana tuve la oportunidad de hablar con Carol Schweigert y Lori Carpenter. Lamentablemente, perdieron a sus hijos por envenenamiento con fentanilo. En un esfuerzo por crear conciencia sobre los peligros del envenenamiento por fentanilo, ellas fueron valientes en compartir sus historias. Espero que se tome unos minutos para ver el té de ESTE mes con el Dr. V.

Te con el Dr. V

enero Te con el Dr. V