Federal and State Grants


Federal and State Programs

Title I, Part A- Closing Educational Achievement Gaps

Mount Vernon School District delivers a schoolwide program model to six elementary schools (Centennial, Jefferson, Harriet Rowley, Little Mountain, Madison, and Washington.), Two Middle Schools (LaVenture, Mount Baker), and one HighSchool. 

Learning Assistance Program

Mount Vernon School District uses Learning Assistance Program (LAP) funds to provide supplemental instruction and services to students who are not yet meeting academic standards in basic skills areas as identified by statewide, school, or district assessments or other performance measurement tools. LAP services may include academic and non-academic supports that focus on accelerating student growth and addressing barriers preventing students from accessing core instruction. Mount Vernon School District also uses LAP funds to support Community Partnerships and strives to bring together community stakeholders and resources in an effort to bridge opportunity gaps by enhancing support and increasing opportunities for students in our schools. 

Parent & Family Engagement

Parent and family involvement in student learning and activities contributes to a student’s success in school. As the first and most important educators of a child, a parent’s engagement is fundamental to student achievement of academic goals. Mount Vernon School District views the education of our children as a cooperative effort between schools, parents or guardians, and the community. School principals, teachers, and staff will reach out to, communicate with, and engage families as equal partners in various ways throughout the school year. Watch for information about classroom learning and extracurricular activities, as these provide wonderful opportunities for parent and family participation and will foster positive relationships between students, families, schools and community. We encourage you to be involved in your child’s learning activities!

District Family Engagement: 

4130 Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement General Expectations 

4130 Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement General Expectations - SPN

4130P Title 1 Parental Involvement 

Building Family Engagement Plans are available at your school building on request


Parents’ Right-to-Know- Highly-qualified Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications and Limited State Certification and Licesure 

We employ qualified teachers and Paraeducators to work with our students.You may request certain information on the professional qualifications of the services they are providing.  We provide timely notice to every parent if a teacher who is not highly qualified has been assigned or has taught their child for four or more consecutive weeks. All of our teachers and Paraeducators meet the federal highly qualified status. 

Services for Homeless Students:

Title I services are also provided to students in non-Title I schools who qualify for homeless status and are in need of additional academic support.

Title I & Private Schools:

As per federal regulations, Title I funds are also used to support the academic needs of qualifying students enrolled at private schools.  Private schools must opt-in to participate in this program. All private schools are notified annually on how to indicate their intent to participate.

District & School Report Cards:



File a Citizen Complaint

Complaint Against a School District, ESD, or Other School Service Provider (Subgrantee)

A citizen complaint is a written statement that alleges a violation of a federal rule, law or regulation or state regulation that applies to a federal program. Things to check before you file a citizen complaint:

  1. This citizen complaint process is for Washington state's K-12 school system.
  2. The complaint must address the violation of at least one of the federal programs in the list below.
  3. This process is not for complaints related to discrimination and professional practices.
  4. Complaints that allege discrimination please go to Equity and Civil Rights.

The handouts below outline the 5-step process through which a citizen can file a complaint against a school district, Educational Service District (ESD), or other school service provider (Subgrantee).
Complaint Against School District, ESD, or Other School Service Provider: English | Russian | Spanish |

Complaint Against OSPI

The handouts below outline the 4-step process through which a citizen can file a complaint against OSPI.
Complaint Against OSPI: English | Russian | Spanish